This webpage is dedicated to the late NeoConservative Fox News presenter Tony Snow (1955 ? 2008). He wa a political pundit who used to host Fox News Sunday and later became a White House Spokesman for the Republican Bush Administration. Tony Snow was now the host of FOX News Radio with Tony Snow, FOX Broadcasting Company's (FBC) political spin program. He also served as a political analyst for FOX News Channel (FNC) and contributed to the network's political and election news coverage. Snow joined the network in 1996. Tony Snow plays the guitar, sax, and flute for his rock band Beats Workin'. On April 26, 2006, President Bush appointed Tony Snow to serve as his new press secretary. See the Wikipedia entry for his biography.
- Tony Snow in MediaMatters
- Tony Snow, Former Bush Spokesman, Dies At 53
- Former White House spokesman Tony Snow dies
- Wikipedia: Tony Snow
- President Bush Announces Tony Snow as Press Secretary
- Tony Snow On President Bush: 'An Embarrassment,' 'Impotent,' 'Doesn't Seem To Mean What He Says', Here's some of what he's had to say about the President
- Tony Snow On The Issues, Here's a look at where he stands on some key issues
- Bush Responds To Snow Criticism: 'You Should Have Seen What [He] Said About The Other Guy', Bush responded to highly critical comments Snow made about Bush
- Beats Workin' - Tony Snow's rock band
- FOX News The Tony Snow Show
- FOX News Radio with Tony Snow
- FOX News Sunday with Tony Snow
- FOX News Sunday, where he used to host
- "That's a Wrap, Well, folks: This is it. The final segment of my final show as host of Fox News Sunday." by Tony Snow, Sunday, November 30, 2003
- The Many Falsehoods of Tony Snow
- Tony Snow's TAR BABY, May 16, 2006
- Press Briefing by Tony Snow
- Tony Snow openly and publicly used the racist epitaph "tar baby" on his first day on the job. If anyone else, especially any Democrat, had used such a phrase, the corporate new media would have crucified them until he/she was forced to resign. A lot of people are fired from their jobs for making comments that could be interpretted as rascist, sow Tony Snow is flaunting his privileged authority. Or perhaps he and the people he socializes with use rascist language frequently and he just simply forget where he was when he was speaking. For Tony Snow to get a free pass from the corporate new media and get away with it shows how much the corporate new media is a shill for Republicans.
- Memorandum To Tony Snow On The Use Of The Term 'Tar Baby'
- Tony Snow: Tar babies...
- Tony Snow archives at Jewish World Review
- The Conservative Chronicle - Biography of Tony Snow, Tony's coworkers at the Conservative Chronicle include Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Robert Novak, George Will, and the rest of the right-wing pundits who populate the Sunday morning pundit shows
- Faux News Channel
- Tony Blows
- HuffingtonPost on Tony Snow
- The Meaning of Tony Snow
- Barnes to Snow: Stonewall
- New WH Press Sec. Showed His Softer Side In 1989 Column Called "Sex, Sex, Sex"... "Sex Is Fun Only When You Do It Right"..., The following are excerpts from a column that the new White House Press Secretary, Tony Snow, wrote for the Washington Times on October 26, 1989.
- Articles: HuffingtonPost on Tony Snow
- If you're really interested in hearing some political discussion on the radio, see the links below under "Radio: Media Worth Listening To" for radio stations you can listen to and can call into. Conservatives are welcome to call those radio shows.
- Documentary: OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
- Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know.
- The Fox News Memo From CHARLIE REINA
- Charlie Reina, former Fox News producer, blows the whistle on Fox, very important read for Fox viewers.
- Mirror webpage: Miles from 'fair and balanced'
- Mirror webpage: Miles from 'fair and balanced'
- Mirror webpage: Miles from 'fair and balanced'
- Mirror webpage: Miles from 'fair and balanced'
- Google cache: Miles from 'fair and balanced'
- Unfair and Unbalanced, Selling Snake Oil News
- FOXymoron
- Faux News Channel
- Fox News: The inside story
- Taking a fair and balanced look at FOX News
- The Fox News Daily Memo: Is the Fix In?
- Fox alum cries foul, scroll down to read article
- Fox News, From Disinfopedia, the encyclopedia of propaganda
- News Corp / Fox
- Faux News Tee Shirt
- Weapons Of Mass Stupidity, Fox News hits a new lowest common denominator
- Fox News Fauxs Up
- Fox News You Can Abuse
- Fox BGH suit
- a recent lawsuit against FOX News underscored, there is no law requiring the mainstream media to tell the truth. Indeed, the result of this lawsuit was the legal precedent that the mainstream media can fire any reporter for refusing to lie to the public
- The right-wing bias was up-front and obvious
- "The Memo" is the bible at Fox News
- What's going on: Fox News seems to think it runs United States
- Fox News would be right to rethink 'fair and balanced'
- Young Republicans and Young Conservatives worship Tony Snow
News Links
Political Quotes
Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with any of those websites listed above. After reading articles from those websites you may find out the truth, but the truth is not the accepted mainstream mythology shilled by the corporate-news-mainstream-media. If you try to talk about what you've found to your friends who only know the accepted mainstream mythology, you will be treated like a fool. Those who accept the corporate-news-mainstream-media's manufactured reality will counter you with simpleton talking-points, and when their arguments fail, with insults. They will talk about politics as if it were a chess match, while you'll talk about the agendas of those who own the chess board; those who set the boundaries and move the pieces. They will talk about politics as if it were only a match between ideologies, political parties, personalities, while you'll talk about the realpolitic/realpolitik. They accept the corporate-news-mainstream-media mythology because "it works" for them now. Reality doesn't hit them until they lose their jobs, need medical care, or lose a relative in some oversees war. All you can do is just tell your friends about websites with links to real news articles and maybe they will search for the truth. Maybe people allow themselves to be blind sighted so they won't have to deal with things they can't do anything about. The truth will set you free, but it won't make you happy. The only satisfaction you'll get in pulling the wool off your eyes is the knowledge that you are no longer a dupe. People in foreign countries know more about what is going on here than average citizens here; people here know more about what is going on in foreign countries than citizens there. The corporate-news-mainstream-media is deceitful, manipulative, disingenuous, and wholly unapologetic.
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