This webpage is dedicated to the late NBC News presenter Tim Russert (1950 ? 2008). He was a conservative pundit for NBC and MSNBC. Tim Russert was the Managing Editor and Moderator of "Meet the Press" and political analyst for "NBC Nightly News" and the "Today Program." He anchored "The Tim Russert Show," a weekly interview program on CNBC and was a contributing anchor for MSNBC. Tim Russert also served as senior vice president and Washington bureau chief of NBC News. Tim Russert was not a journalist, he was a neo-conservative political pundit who was famous for his "gotcha" interviews. Bush White House official Cathie Martin testified in a court of law that the Republicans used Tim Russert to control their message. Tim Russert was selling homage to his father books that promoted him as being a wholesome, traditional, sentimental, mainstream-values "good American", but he was indifferent to the fathers and sons who've been crippled, maimed, disfigured, and killed in Iraq as a result of his disinformation and the disinformation his right-wing guests shilled. Tim Russert claims to be doing God's work in his article "Am I Doing God's Work?" Before Russert became a "journalist", Russert first became famous for his dirty tricks campaigns which were whispering campaigns to other reporters that maligned opposing candidates. Candidates who were attacked by Russert were said to be "Russerted." During his first job in politics working for New York's Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, he teamed up with his cohort the neoconservative William Kristol. See the link to the article below where Tim Russert said "Integrity is for paupers!". His other famous quote is "line between security and freedom will have to be redefined."
For those of you who did not watch his shows or have forgotten what they were like, Tim Russert's shows were almost exactly like "Fox News Sundays" programs. Just substitute the sets and Tim Russert for Chris Wallace, and that's what his shows were like. "Fox News Sundays" programs have the same guests and same roundtable discussion panel pundits as Tim Russert's shows.
On the day Tim Russert died, these were the deaths from the Iraq war: 129 journalists killed in Iraq, 4099 American soliders had died in Iraq, 30333 American soliders were wounded in Iraq, and over 1,222,013 Iraqi civilians had been killed in the Iraq war. None of those deaths were reported in the news. Tim Russert never talked about American casualties on his shows, for him, that was not an issue.
Be sure to check the Huffington Post - Russert and Russert Watch websites for detailed examples of Russert's "integrity."
He only allowed right-wing operatives, fundraisers, commentators, journalists, pundits, lobbyists, politicos, and shills to speak in his "roundtable discussions." He let them say outrageously false statements without any question. He framed the debates in terms of right-wing talking points. Tim Russert pretended to be a working class hero, but he admantly refused to allow any issues that effect working class people to be discussed; Tim Russert wouldn't have union people on his shows, just corporate pundits, spokesmen, and lobbyists. These are guests that he never allowed to speak on his show and rountable discussions: Keith Olbermann, Amy Goodman, Noam Chomsky, Greg Palast, Scott Ritter, Arundhati Roy, Cynthia Tucker, Richard Reeves, Ted Rall, Linda Chavez, Arianna Huffington, Bill Moyers, David Brancaccio, Larry Abramson, Juan Gonzalez, Jeff Cohen, Jim Naureckas, Steve Rendall, Seth Ackerman, Howard Zinn, Daniel Ellsberg, Paul Krassner, Naomi Wolf, Gore Vidal, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, and anybody else who asked real questions.
Tim Russert was famous for asking "softball" questions to Republicans and "hardball" questions to Democrats.
He failed to ask Republicans about contradictions in their statements and policies.
He consistently failed to ask the most painfully obvious follow up questions to Republicans leaving many viewers frustrated that he had someone in power on his show but left so many important questions unasked.
He delivered "softball" questions to Republicans and never asked the most obvious follow up questions to them. Well, he played the media game well and had his own show, but he acted like Fox News's Bill O'Reilly more and more every day.
Tim Russert was famous for grilling powerless newcomers yet being obsequious to authority.
Tim Russert frequently had commentators from right-wing think-tanks while he never has progressive political activists.
He pandered to the authority in power and bashes the powerless.
He pandered to Republicans in authority and plays "gotcha" with Democrats.
Tim Russert frequently asked "loaded questions" to Democrats and critics of Republicans.
Tim Russert used subtle language in his questions that imply that anyone who is a Democrat or progressive is temperamental, insane, mentally unballanced, irrational, and just wrong.
Whenever he played "gotcha" to a Democrat, he used "facts" given to him from Republicans and right-wing think-tanks; that was his "research".
He ambushed Democrats with obscure facts given to him by Republicans, used obscure quotes, quotes from right-wing newspapers (he quoted from Republican political opinion op-ed commentaries as if those op-eds were regular reports), and he used right-wing think-tank talking-points. Some of the Republican political opinion op-ed commentaries Russert quotes come from very extremist right-wing publications.
Tim Russert was also a fast-talker and he sometimes puts "mistakes" in his interviews that the interviewee sometimes doesn't always catch.
He pressed Democrats on factually incorrect statements until he could get a sound bite answer out of them that he and other right-wing pundits could loop out of context to embarrass them later.
But when Democrat Bill Clinton was President, he gave "softball" interviews to Hillary Clinton which hinted that he sometimes just kowtows to whoever happens to be in authority.
I've looked up dozens of websites on Tim Russert and they all pretty much say the same thing.
Tim Russert kept saying that his show featured the "people in power", but he keeps having "political analysts" from right-wing think-tanks who did not have any official position in government on his show while he never had progressive political activists.
He let the right-wing think-tank pundits use his show as a forum to shill the same kinds of right-wing rhetoric the radio conservatives and Fox News pundits shill, and Tim Russert just sat there smiling and nodding his head to everything they said without question.
That's what he was about.
He cared about getting his "media access" to the powerful people in government and upper crust elite society.
Tim Russert routinely downplayed, ignored, and apologized for Republican controversies that made the Republicans look bad.
Every time there was a "hot" controversy in the news with Republicans, he had the Republicans who are in the controversy on his show and he gave them weak "softball" nominal questions. That way the Republicans pretended they've responded to the controversy when in actuality, they used Russert's show as a PR ploy to placate their constituents and have actually said nothing.
Instead of being a real journalist and reporting the facts as they are, he kept "reframing" the debate by using his famous red herring argument "... but the question is ...".
Every time he says "... but the question is ..." he's changed the argument to one where Republicans had talking points that could rationalize and justify whatever controversy is happening.
That is a classic right-wing Republican argument technique called "reframing the debate" or also called "bait and switch."
By doing that, Tim Russert showed that he was an apologist for right-wing Republicans. Tim Russert once said that the "line between security and freedom will have to be redefined."
For Democrats and progressives, Tim Russert was a ruthless hatchet man who did "hit pieces" on Democrats and progressives.
Tim Russert once had Fox News right-wing pundit Bill O'Reilly on his MSNBC show to plug his book. Tim Russert handed his show over to Bill O'Reilly who went on to lambast his critics; Tim Russert nodded in agreement to everything Bill O'Reilly said, refused to point out the painfully obvious contradictions (lies) in O'Reilly's statements, failed to ask the most obvious follow up questions, and proved once and for all that Tim Russert and Bill O'Reilly are of the same ilk. Tim Russert also associated with Don Imus who has said many bigoted statements. Tim Russert's favoritism revealed he was a neo-conservative Republican.
Before the last general election, Tim Russert had been saying for weeks that the upcoming presidential election would be decided by 10% of the voters in 18 "swing states." He was also saying that all the other people in the other states are irrelevant. He kept citing polls as proof without mentioning his polls' wide margins of error. He ignored polls that did not support his agendas. He blatantly discouraged/disenfranched people who are not in the "swing-states" from voting. He preemptively "called the election" over.
Tim Russert did not have quite the disingenuous self-righteous hypocrisy that sanctimonious racist neo-conservative Republican news pundit CBS Face The Nation's Bob Schieffer has, but he was getting there. Tim Russert still wasn't been accepted into the elite social circles as lackey Bob Schieffer has, so Tim Russert sometimes bends to non-Republicans who are in power. Tim Russert's coworker Andrea Mitchell is a worse neo-con pundit who is probably going to take over Tim Russert's job.
Tim Russert thought he was famous for his use of a small white dry eraserboard on election night 2000, but the truth is that was the NBC show's producer's idea. Tim Russert took credit for something that wasn't his idea and then pretends that gimmick is indicative of his character.
PLAMEGATE: Tim Russert was under investigation by the US government for his involvement in the CIA leak case where someone inside the Bush White House revealed to right-wing pundits the identity of a CIA agent in a covert operation. Tim Russert's friend and frequent guest on his shows, Bob Novak, printed the name of that CIA agent, Valerie Plame, as a political retaliation against her husband. Bush White House officials Karl Rove and Lewis "Scooter" Libby said Tim Russert told them that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent. A lot of people want to know how Tim Russert knew such information. U.S. District Chief Judge Thomas Hogan ordered a reporter held for civil contempt and ruled that Tim Russert must testify in the investigation into whether the Bush administration illegally leaked a covert CIA officer's name to the media. The subpoenas, issued by special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, required that Tim Russert appear before a federal grand jury to testify about conversations with an unidentified government official who was a confidential source. Tim Russert, facing potential jail time and fines, negotiated an agreement with the prosecutor and submitted to questioning in August. NBC said Tim Russert offered to be interviewed by Fitzgerald if it would be done under oath but not before a grand jury, and if he would not be asked questions that would have required him to disclose information provided in confidence. Tim Russert bashes progressives and hosts many right-wing guests who call progressives "traitors", but at the same time Tim Russert was involved in a serious breach of national security. Tim Russert and his buddy Bob Novak put that CIA agent's life at risk and wasted millions of dollars that the CIA had spent in their investigations with that agent. Of course NBC has been giving Tim Russert and his buddy Bob Novak a "free pass" for their despicable acts. Arianna Huffington and Eric Boehlert have been writing extensively on Tim Russert's involvement in the CIA leak. See the link to CNN article below "CIA leak: Sources point to Rove-Libby contacts" on Tim Russert's involvement in the CIA leak.
Tim Russert had been selling his book about his father, trying to portray himself as being some kind of rags to riches success story, but his father Big Russ said something funny about his lackey son, "I still can't get over that they pay you all that money to BS on television." (that's Tim Russert quoting his father, Charlie Rose Show, 5/10/04). That's Big Russ's opinion of his son. Apparently Tim Russert grew up in a lower income caste and he did whatever it took to get rich. See below the link to the article that has the quote where Tim Russert said "Integrity is for paupers!"
- Tim Russert - "Integrity is for paupers!"
- Russert expounded on how being employed by GE had brought him to the realization that things functioned better when Republicans were in charge. "I still believe," Russert said, leaning across the table. "I believe in everything I ever did. But I also know that I never would have become moderator on Meet The Press if my employers were uncomfortable with me. And, given the amount of money at stake, millions of dollars, I don?t blame them. This is business. ... Integrity is for paupers!"
- Tim Russert - A Good Man but Biased Journalist By Steven Leser, Jun 14, 2008
- We don?t need another Tim Russert: Stop sainting Washington?s most over-praised, overrated journalist SEP 10, 2014
- Remembering Russert, What media eulogies remember--and forget Jun 19 2008
- Tim Russert In Retrospect July 12, 2008 by ascetorix_ariz20
- Tim Russert in MediaMatters
- Gotcha journalism
- Tim Russert
- Maureen Orth, Tim Russert's wife
- Big Russ And Me - Tim Russert nobody bought his ghostwritten BS book
- Wisdom Of Our Fathers - Tim Russert
- Journalism's Tim Russert Problem
- NBC Meet the Press
- NBC Meet the Press Front Page
- Tim Russert Biography from NBC
- Russert missed Vietnam because of the deferment available to college kids, Russert was not the poor kid he describes himself as, not the rags to riches story, only the privileged get deferments. Those same rich kids who dodged the draft are also the fortunate ones who are gung ho about sending the poor off to war
- Tim Russert Speaker - Book Motivational Celebrity Speaker Tim Russert and Other Corporate Entertainment
- This was how you can BUY Tim Russert, you book him to speak at your event and pay him tens of thousands of dollars. Russert usually receives his standard $50,000-$60,000 fee along with first-class airfare for two - although "according to [Russert's lecture agent] ... private planes are strongly preferred."
- Tim Russert's death
- On the day Tim Russert died, these were the deaths from the Iraq war: 4099 American soliders had died in Iraq, 30333 American soliders were wounded in Iraq, and over 1,222,013 Iraqi civilians had been killed in the Iraq war. None of those deaths were reported in the news.
- Tim Russert death on kennysideshow.blogspot
- Tim Russert - "The Machine Loses a Mouth"
- Tim Russert's Death Gives US Media Some Breathing Room
- Tim Russert and the decay of the American media
- Tim Russert - Asshole of the Year by Paul Krassner
- Tim Russert is Bought and Owned by General Electric
- Tim Russert: BuzzFlash Media Putz of the Week Award by BuzzFlash
- Tim Russert's Signature Question (Updated) by Jacob Freeze
- The Russert Watch: Ken Mehlman Gets the E-ZPass Treatment
- Tim Russert is fast becoming journalism?s answer to the "E-ZPass," those electronic tags that allow drivers to go through toll booths without having to stop. On the show today, Mehlman was allowed to distort, twist, manipulate, obfuscate and "disassemble" his way through every stop on the disinformation highway.
- Russert Outed as GOP Puppet
- Tim Russert and the decay of the American media
- Tim Russert - The Messenger Is the Message
- A Discordant Note on Tim Russert
- Tim Russert's double standard and an end to the Farrakhan litmus test
- Quick Quiz: Tim Russert
- Barack Obama's appearance on Meet the Press reminded Paul Slansky how happy it makes host Tim Russert to get aggressive with his Democratic guests.
- Interview With Tim Russert, Aired May 23, 2004
- Tim Russert was fresh out of law school when he signed on with Daniel Patrick Moynihan and later Mario Cuomo as a Democratic operative whose media skills were so effective it was said that opponents had been "Russerted."
- Better Red Than Dead? To Tim Russert, the Only Good Democrat is a Dead Democrat
- Mr. Russert, Will You Ante Up For War Victims Like You Asked Of Scott McClellan? by Linda Milazzo
- it's still a fact that Meet The Press provided a national platform for the Bush administration to push its war
- Videos on Tim Russert
- Right-wing spammers post comments falsely claiming that Tim Russert was a liberal. Tim Russert frames the debates in terms of right-wing talking points and then he and his guests recite the talking points and bash Democrats.
- Tim Russert Leading propaganda talking head dead
- RIP MSM bag of lies. Russert's show is where we first got the to hear the lies about the "mushromm clound smoking guns" and he was also the "journalist" chosen by Libby to leak Valarie Plame's name. Russert never covered not once the story of the Niger foreries or anything against the Neocons. Nothing.
- Tim Russert Was Murdered
- Tim Russert Exposed by Ron Paul...!
- Tim Russert - Media Whore and Sock Puppet
- Tim Russert Exposed Again! By Romney Whisper
- Tim Russert Interviewed by Jack Blood
- Tim Russert - Bill Moyers
- Tim Russert - Paul Krugman vs O'reilly
- Tim Russert is a Big Fat Republican Tool (1 of 3)
- Tim Russert is a Big Fat Republican Tool (2 of 3)
- Tim Russert is a Big Fat Republican Tool (3 of 3)
- Gwen Ifill Calls Out Russert, Brooks For Their Silence On Imus' Racist Comments
- Tim Russert - videos
- Tim Russert: Stop the Inanity
- Russert passes for a "tough" interviewer by adopting a confrontational pose rather than asking genuinely challenging questions. Which is why he's a terrible moderator for our presidential debates.... The two parties' nominees will be decided three months from now, and we can be sure that in that time, at least one or two candidates will have their campaigns upended by the answer they gave to an absurd question, delivered by Tim Russert or someone like him, about what their favorite Bible verse is, or whom they want to win the Super Bowl, or what kind of beer they like. "Aha!" the reporters will shout, as though they actually unearthed something revealing on which the race for the presidency of the most powerful nation on earth should be decided. The one whose tiny little mind devised the question will be praised to the stars for his journalistic acumen. ... And they?ll continue to wonder why so many Americans are so cynical about our electoral process.
- Tim Russert - One Dumb Honky
- "The bravery of the first responders who went up the stairs of burning buildings. The heroic selfless souls on United flight #93. The patience of tens of thousands of drivers who left the devastated areas in an orderly way. I have not honked my car horn since September 11 as a gesture of respect to all of them."
- Tim Russert - Am I Doing God's Work?
- Tim Russert claims to be doing God's work, Tim Russert - Am I Doing God's Work?
- Open Letter To Tim Russert, blog
- Huffington Post - Tim Russert
- Arianna takes on one of the Beltway?s major media players, Meet the Press' Tim Russert. Every Friday she offers a sneak peek at the guest list for the upcoming show and suggests a few of the hard-hitting questions Russert should-but probably won't-ask. Then, on Sunday, after the show, she counts the bodies? and the missed opportunities., search for "Russert" to find more articles. Tim Russert started a smear campaign against Arianna Huffington by claiming she hired private detectives - this was another example of Tim Russert's flat out lies. The smear campaign was also was carried out by Republican political consultant Ed Rollins thereby further proving Tim Russert was a Republican shill.
- Huffington Post - Russert Watch
- Tim Russert, Arianna Huffington And News Media Conflicts Of Interest
- Russert smears Arianna: Remind you of anyone?
- The Snark Business is Getting Crowded
- Ethics? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Ethics!
- NBC, Smears, Arianna, and TV Ethics
- Old Boys Will Be Old Boys
- Big fuss over claims about Little Russ
- Arianna v Russert and NBC
- NBC News PR Department Gets Down and Dirty...
- Media Matters for America - Russert
- Media Matters documented many cases where Russert flat out lies. In the search box search for 'Russert' for more articles.
- Russert misrepresented debate exchanges on Social Security to accuse Clinton of having "one public position and one private position"
- Tim Russert, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Tim's Tablet
- How To Beat Tim Russert, Get inside his head and shake vigorously
- How To Beat Tim Russert
- Who Mentored Tim Russert?
- Why Does Tim Russert Associate With Don Imus' Bigotry?
- Tim Russert's Republican Bias in the Media
- More on Russert's pro-Republican bias
- TIM RUSSERT: Guilty of a Double-Standard?
- Not The Full Story, Why Won't The Networks Ask The Obvious Questions?
- PLAMEGATE: Tim Russert's involvement in CIA leak
- Scooter Libby, chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney, told special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald that Russert was the first to tell him of the identity of Central Intelligence Agency officer Valerie Plame (Mrs. Joseph C. Wilson). Russert testified previously and again in United States v. I. Lewis Libby that he did not tell Libby of Mrs. Wilson's CIA identity. Russert testified again in the trial on Wednesday, February 7, 2007. During the trial, another witness, former Cheney communications director Cathie Martin, testified that she "suggested we put the vice president on 'Meet the Press,'" hosted by Russert on NBC, and that it was "a tactic we often used....It's our best format."
- Motion of Non-Party Tim Russert to Quash Grand Jury Subpoena
- United States District Court for the District of Columbia
- Motion of Non-Party Tim Russert to Quash Grand Jury Subpoena
- Yahoo News - Tim Russert and Karl Rove
- Yahoo News - Tim Russert and his CIA leak
- Feds subpoena Tim Russert, Time reporter
- NBC's Tim Russert subpoenaed in CIA leak
- Journalists subpoenaed in CIA leak case
- NBC to fight Russert subpoena in Plame case
- Reporter faces jail over silence in CIA leak probe
- Judge upholds media subpoenas in CIA leak case
- Tim Russert's subpoenas in CIA leak case
- Leak Investigation: The Russert Deal-What It Reveals
- Tim Russert comments on Karl Rove's involvement with leaking Valeri Plame's name - Windows Media Video
- CNN: CIA leak: Sources point to Rove-Libby contacts
- In testimony shown to Rove, Libby stated that numerous journalists appeared to have learned about Plame's identity in the period before her name was published and that he and Rove talked to each other about their contacts with reporters. Libby's testimony stated that Rove had told him about his contact with Novak and that Libby had told Rove about information he had gotten about Wilson's wife from NBC's Tim Russert, according to a person familiar with the information shown to Rove.
- Libby Fingers Tim Russert
- And What About Russert?
- And What About Russert, Cont'd
- The Libby Trial: Why Did Tim Russert Fight So Hard to Avoid Telling the Grand Jury What He Had Already Told the FBI?
- A Crumb For The Plamaniacs
- Russert Resisted Testifying on Leak
- Newsweek -- The Russert Deal: What It Reveals
- How Tim Russert became Karl Rove's bitch
- Tim Russert, Equivocater?
- this picks apart the holes in Russert's testimony
- Russert ignored White House pledge to fire anyone involved in leaking Plame's identity
- Daily Howler's articles on Tim Russert
- THERE ONCE WAS A SHILL FROM NANTUCKET! Russert knows the issue is fake. He also knows that he can't say so
- Russert pretends to be a mind reader
- Krugman suggests that we stop telling tales. But Russert is still peddling legends
- Tim Russert, eager to peddle his own feel-good book, was peddling a ludicrous legend. Russert wished away the most basic facts. But so what? The grinning entertainer was building a legend. Result? He misled you again.
- JUST LIKE AL SAID! Russert pushed them RNC points. Somebody go wake Fred Barnes!
- Tim Russert uses Republican talking points in his broadcasts
- WHERE ARE STANDARDS (PART 1)? Are hopefuls judged by a single standard? When Russert battled Dean, we weren?t sure
- he simply makes up facts to get his guests to make statements that will embarrass them later on, but Russert never fesses up that he makes up his facts
- Russert botched a charge, but pundits cheered. Readers! Where were standards?
- ... In the aftermath of the session, Russert was praised by other pundits for the way he grilled his guest. Russert "brilliantly pummel[ed] this guy all morning," Bill Sammon said on Special Report. In the Washington Post, Mary McGrory said that Gore "had the look of someone in the midst of a root canal," and "never got a break" from his host. In the Boston Herald, Wayne Woodlief lauded Russert?s "brilliant and persistent questioning." Russert was "so sharp, so knowledgeable on the issues, so well-prepared that I?m darned near ready to vote for the first candidate who picks Russert as a running mate." In the Post, Marjorie Williams called Russert "famously gladiatorial." The only problem in his performance, she said, was that he was "too well prepared." As usual, fawning pundits stood in line to praise their high-profile colleague. But no one lauded Russert more than Time?s Margaret Carlson-and no one heaped more scorn on Gore. "Russert chopped him up in little pieces," she said on the July 20 Imus in the Morning.
- Howler: Tim Russert gives miserable paraphrase
- Howler: Tim Russert reinvented Clinton to make it more exciting, Tim Russert did a little reinventing
- THE LAST BULLDOG DIES (PART 1)! Bulldog Tim rolled over and died. Can we stop calling Russert a bulldog?
- THE LAST BULLDOG DIES (PART 2)! Did the Bush Admin exaggerate intel? A bulldog let Bush change the subject
- ALL IN THE FAMILY (PART 1)! Tim Russert's father deserves your respect. His son is a whole different story
- ALL IN THE FAMILY (PART 2)! Being Tim Russert has its advantages, as we see when Big Russ helps him bungle
- ALL IN THE FAMILY (PART 3)! It seems that Russert is never wrong?if you ask Russert, that is
- ALL IN THE FAMILY (PART 4)! Russert said Dems were ?blaming America.? We felt we were catching his drift
- ALL IN THE FAMILY (PART 5)! Given the valuable lessons he's learned it?s time Tim explained what he did
- Howler: TIMOTHY?S CHOICE! Russert knew that Cheney had lied. And Russert knew not to tell you
- DailyHowler's articles on Tim Russert
- lots of articles proving Tim Russert is a lackey Republican pundit
- Reassigning Tim Russert, How To Get Washington Reporters to Cover Things That Count
- how the press covers government and how that coverage can be improved.
- Is Howard Dean Getting Slugged by Media?; Are Liberal Columnist Going too Far in Labeling Bush a Liar?
- Tim Russert uses Republican talking points in his broadcasts
- This May Be a Pre-Mortem of the 2000 Campaign
- During the 2000 Campaign, Tim Russert calls the Bush Campaign team to ask them for talking-points. This is documented by the BBC.
- Tim Russert Flunks History
- he simply makes up facts to get his guests to make statements that will embarrass them later on, but Russert never fesses up that he makes up his facts
- One-Click Politics
- Here, an independent news organization went to a sitting administration, asked it to work up numbers for its benefit, and then used those numbers to launch what amounted to a rhetorical sting operation on a candidate of the other party. Tim Russert of MTP actually called the White House to get his talking points when he interviewed Howard Dean, wasn't this was the real story of the interview?
- On Devil Island
- This bad performance could have proved calamitous had faux tough guy Tim Russert, famous for grilling powerless newcomers yet obsequious to authority, asked the proper follow-up questions
- Shades of Purple - the Myth of the Red and the Blue America
- During the 2000 Presidential Election, Tim Russert repeatedly used right-wing talking-points and kept calling Vice President Al Gore "dishonest" and repeatedly accused Gore of "repeated lying." Tim Russert's accusations were unsubstantiated, but he kept doing it and still repeats his accusations.
- How George W. Bush Lied to Tim Russert About His Missing Military Records
A Sounding Board for Lies: Meet the Press with Tim Russert Defrauds America with Free Ride to Republican Liars
- Capital Games - Tim Russert
- BOOKS: Tim Russert's Books
- Caricatures - Tim 'Bulldog' Russert
- He will often ask tough questions but then let the subject off with an obvious lie as their answer. Russert was a conservative hack from way back.
- Is Tim Russert a stalking horse for Bush?
- Tim Russert?s non-interview with the president
- Tim Russert is such a sellout
- Lazy Journalist Syndrome, Will It Be America's Undoing?
- Tim Russert ... now lives in the same neighborhood (Kalorama) as Dick Cheney and has declared that "integrity is for paupers."
- THE INSIDER, NBC's Tim Russert
- How to Beat 'Meet the Press'
- Tim Russert is (allegedly) a damn kleptomaniac
- Tim Russert, BartCop on Meet The Whore
- How many times have you seen an ambush on the Sunday talk shows?
- Evangelical indie cred
- "You're the best!" "No, YOU'RE the best!!", How Tim Russert, Bill O'Reilly, Chris Matthews and their talking-head pals wet-kiss each other all the way to the bank.,
- "You're the best!" "No, YOU'RE the best!!", How Tim Russert, Bill O'Reilly, Chris Matthews and their talking-head pals wet-kiss each other all the way to the bank.
- Russert gave Novak platform for discredited anti-Clinton stories
- re Paul Krugman VS Bill O'Reilly on Tim Russert's CNBC Show
- Krugman vs. O'Reilly
- Krugman vs. O'Reilly -- full transcript
- You have to understand conservative philosophy to understand many of the right-wing talk show hosts. Conservatives believe that "Srong equals Moral" and "Weak equals Immoral". These concepts can be even used metaphorically. That is why their talk show hosts act the way they do. They have to appear "Stong" (because they are on the side of the "moral") and they have to make there guest appear "weak" (because they are on the side of the "immoral".) This is also why they are usually physically large. To always appear stronger. Take something else from this, you will never see pictures of George Bush and John Kerry together, why? because Kerry would appear the "Sronger" of the two. That would be a conservatives worst nightmare.
- you make examples of certain people. Tim Russert, for example, pleases you. He calls the Bush campaign?s "opposition research" team every few days to find out what dirt they have invented about Al Gore lately. And he reports their lies as fact. You publicly praise Russert. You make certain that everyone knows you have personally rewarded him with a multi-million dollar contract.. He is a daily reminder to his colleagues of the benefits of being an obedient employee.
- Karl Rove, Tim Russert among Speakers at Board of Overseers Meeting
- Karl Rove, senior adviser to President Bush, and Tim Russert are good friends who socialize with each other, hang out with the same elite social circles, and often make public speaking appearances together at elite private colleges
- The Progressive: Ganging Up on Dean, September, 2003
- Russert worked to sabotage Democratic Presidential hopeful Howard Dean's campaign, other right wing media pundits cheered
- Washington Post: In the Hot Seat
- Russert used to do dirty tricks for Democrats before Republicans appreciated his talent for smear
- Daily News: The briefing, Midlevel aide gets Russerted!
- Russert's interview with Colin Powell became a news event when Powell's aide tried to end the interview. Russert hyped himself in the weeks afterward over this non-event and bashed Powell's aide as a "taxpayer-paid employee", but the truth is that Russert went 5 minutes over the time he agreed to and was cutting into ABC's George Stephanopoulos' interview time and the aide ended the interview after 5 minutes of pleading with Russert to end the interview. Russert stages events like this to provoke reactions, then pretends to be surprised at the reactions, then plays up on the non-news event to promote himself. The aide was a former NBC employee of Russert.
- Poll: Vote for Media Whore of the Year
- here is one poll that Tim Russert won't be quoting on his show
- Tim Russert Joins MSNBC's Media Missleaders Club
- Tim Russert: Journamalist Cheney does control Russert. Cheney's press aide Cathie Martin is correct when she says that Russert will not push Cheney or attempt to closely question him.
- Tim Russert farted on his show freqently
- The Myth of The Liberal Media
- Young Republicans and Young Conservatives worship Tim Russert
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Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with any of those websites listed above. After reading articles from those websites you may find out the truth, but the truth is not the accepted mainstream mythology shilled by the corporate-news-mainstream-media. If you try to talk about what you've found to your friends who only know the accepted mainstream mythology, you will be treated like a fool. Those who accept the corporate-news-mainstream-media's manufactured reality will counter you with simpleton talking-points, and when their arguments fail, with insults. They will talk about politics as if it were a chess match, while you'll talk about the agendas of those who own the chess board; those who set the boundaries and move the pieces. They will talk about politics as if it were only a match between ideologies, political parties, personalities, while you'll talk about the realpolitic/realpolitik. They accept the corporate-news-mainstream-media mythology because "it works" for them now. Reality doesn't hit them until they lose their jobs, need medical care, or lose a relative in some oversees war. All you can do is just tell your friends about websites with links to real news articles and maybe they will search for the truth. Maybe people allow themselves to be blind sighted so they won't have to deal with things they can't do anything about. The truth will set you free, but it won't make you happy. The only satisfaction you'll get in pulling the wool off your eyes is the knowledge that you are no longer a dupe. People in foreign countries know more about what is going on here than average citizens here; people here know more about what is going on in foreign countries than citizens there. The corporate-news-mainstream-media is deceitful, manipulative, disingenuous, and wholly unapologetic.
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Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with the advertisements at the top and bottom of this webpage.